Mysterio? What a mystery. Quick run down of the new Spider-Man trailer
With the recent release of the Sony/Marvel film trailer for ‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’, a lot of people — who unlike me don’t research and investigate film characters or have read the comics- will have a great deal of questions regarding this new villain, the new black suit and when the film is based. Well I’m going to try and shed as much light on these areas as I can without over complicating it for you. Sound good?
This is Mysterio’s first ever movie appearance -where he is portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal — so unless you read the comics its quite unlikely you will know a great deal about him. First, one recurring assumption is that Mysterio has super powers similar to Doctor Strange. As during his fight scene in the trailer his fighting style and appearance is very similar to the hero. This is incorrect. In fact, Mysterio doesn’t possess any super powers himself. He is however a true genius and has an incredibly advanced knowledge of special effects and stage illusions. So, it may appear like he is making himself fly like Doctor Strange but in fact it may be more like Iron Man with the help of thrusters. He is notably a very skilled hand to hand combat expert — he learnt this trade being a stunt double and choreographer.
My prediction for his role in the film is that he is going to portray more of an anti-villain character. This is a villain with heroic goals, personality traits, and/or virtues. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there are evil. With his specialised expertise it may be plausible that he himself created the large water monster in Venice and red cloud in London that are shown in the trailer, with the simple goal of making an appearance and saving the day. As if he created and controls them, he can put on a display of him fighting the beasts and in the end winning (or simply turning them off). In this effort it is most likely that people would get injured or possibly even killed, but Mysterio’s own personal gains would be great, and he would come out of it looking like a hero.
Jake Gyllenhaal has before said in an interview that the character he is portraying isn’t a bad guy — causing a great deal of confusion amongst the MCU fan base, as Mysterio has always been a villain. For a simple comparison in this scenario he would be a lot like Syndrome in The Incredibles (2004). Not a bad guy but causing bad things to happen to appear as a good guy. Also creating and controlling the monsters may I add.
When is the film based? The film is released after Endgame, so it would make the most sense that the film is also based after Endgame. This being the obvious fact wouldn’t be giving that much away about the ending of Endgame also. As this film, Black Panther 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 all have been confirmed and are set to be released after Endgame as well. The fact is that this trailer only shows that Spider-Man and Nick Fury from the avengers have defiantly survived, as there’s no indication that Iron Man or any others are still there. Also, there isn’t even a mention of the hero’s helping, the only mention being that Mysterio’s looks like a cross between Iron Man and Thor (aka bitchin’). So, it doesn’t give that much away towards the ending to Avengers 4, if anything it just confuses the fans more.
Spider-Man’s black suit? Before people start jumping to conclusions, taking him back to Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man in the third instalment of his trilogy, where an alien entity created his black suit, the same entity that turned Eddie Brock into Venom. This is nothing like that and has nothing to do with it. The only name that’s been given to this new suit is ‘Stealth Suit’. With the most likely thing being that Nick Fury provided Peter with the suit, not Tony Stark like before. This theory is backed up with the fact that it looks nothing like his original suit, more like armour and padding, like a slim line SWAT suit. As if someone is going to be working close with Nick Fury, most likely gaining information, a bright red and blue suit won’t cut it.
But what do I know, after all these are just predictions. We will just have to wait for the releases of Endgame and Far from Home in April and July to answer all the questions put in front of us