The Cave (2005) film review

James Stocks
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Okay. First of all, this is far far far from a great film, that is very easy to admit. But, this film is much better than the fellow reviews on this app make it out to be. Yes this film carries on its shoulders many a cliche, and two dimensional character. But, if you can look past that this film has a lot of positives, and just a great load of fun. I very much enjoyed it.

This is a really solid attempt at a monster movie, with a very smart premise, that could easily be made into a great film.

The use of a parasite, mutating its host. I thought was a very nice touch, and a refreshing change to just your normal, ‘there’s an undiscovered creature down here hunting us AHHHHHHHHHH’.

To look at, this was a stunner. CGI fun, wonderful caves, and super creepy and varied creatures with freaky kills. The visuals in this film really are quite amazing, Piere Luigi Basile did a great job in designing this picture. If there’s one thing you watch this for, let it be to just marvel at the sets. The creature/monster design is really cool as well, almost a morph of all the traditional monsters, with features for many different ones places together.

Yes, it is a real shame that a great concept like this one, with a decent budget for the time, and a great cast couldn’t be matched with a higher calibre script to match. But from the script we were given, they did do a good job. The only character you some what connected with was Tyler (portrayed by Eddie Cibrian), the fact he had family connects and a clear love interest in this film really helped the viewer to sympathise with him.

THEN, they only went and bloody gave you a juicy twist at the end. Sorry Tyler no love interest for you, your Mrs (Lena Headley), yeah she’s a monster as well. As shaky as this film was, I would have loved for them to make a sequel after that cliff hanger ending.

A film doesn’t have to be great for it to be enjoyed, and this was a prime example of that. If you can look past the minor flaws, I would definitely recommend watching this.

I’ve seen loads of people compare this to The Descent. Due to its concept and very close release date. So I’m going to watch this now and compare.

3* 6/10

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James Stocks

Films are my life, so I want to dedicate my life to writing reviews and maybe one day making my own films. Currently studying MA Journalism at the Uni of Sheff